Month: August 2022

Oracle Certification and Database Oracle Network Files Directory Stopping the Database

Table Functions That Help Keep Your System Current- A Little Bit of Everything-2

Other menu options run either the Print Public Authority (PRTPUBAUT) or Print Private Authority (PRTPVTAUT) command with a specific object type already defaulted. For example, if you want the list of libraries whose *PUBLIC authority is not *EXCLUDE, take option 36. Or, for both the *PUBLIC and private authorities to directories, run option 28, DirectoryRead More

Oracle Certification and Database Oracle Network Files Directory The Value of Saving Time

Table Functions That Help Keep Your System Current- A Little Bit of Everything-1

One of my absolute favorite table functions that I want to make sure you’re aware of is SYSTOOLS.GROUP_PTF_CURRENCY. When run, it does a “phone home” to IBM to get the latest group PTFs and then performs a comparison to determine whether the system you’re running the table function on has the current group PTFs installedRead More